Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Avon SKIN SO SOFT Fresh & Smooth Microwave Wax Kit for Face and Body

The battle against body hair started for many of us, many years ago. It is a battle some of us thought we would never win.  In the past you might have tried different methods of removing body hair. People usually go for the old fashioned shaving, simply because it takes up less time, though occasionally we will use a hair removal cream if you need the effects to be more long lasting. In a perfect world we would have opted for electrolysis a long time ago, but having a spare thousand dollars around for that purpose never seemed to happen. Most of us have resigned ourself to forever looking like a cousin of the woolly mammoth.

Then Avon came out with Skin So Soft Fresh & Smooth Hair Removal Microwave Wax for Face and Body.  The box was smaller than one would expect.  Included in the box was a small tub of cold wax, several larger waxing strips, 1 small spatula to be used on smaller parts of the body, like the eyebrows, a larger spatula to be used on bigger parts of the body, and a small bottle of calming oil to be used on the area after the wax.

How it works is that you microwave the wax in the microwave for about a minute. Take it out and give it a stir. If there are still some hard parts put it back in the microwave for a few more seconds. Stir again and repeat the process until the wax looks clear, not cloudy.  While the wax is preparing check the area of your body you want to wax and determine in which direction the hair is growing.  Put a nice amount of wax on the spatula and apply it liberally to the area you want to wax in the direction of the hair growth.  Take a cloth strip and press it firmly two or three times against your hair.  Hold the skin around the area taut and yank the strip off in the opposite direction of the hair growth.

Let me warn you that this process is not for the faint of heart. For the first minute after the hair was yanked off I you take a deep breath and think, "Hey, that wasn't so bad. It doesn't even hurt."  This is because your skin was still numb and in shock.  Once your brain registered what had happened you can feel how much it hurts. The area was very red and within minutes a hundred raised bumps sprang up.  It was very unsightly.

The pain lasted for several hours and there was still a bit of tenderness the day after. By day two, however, you are left with no more pain and smoother, completely hairless skin. 

Overall people rate Avon SKIN SO SOFT Fresh & Smooth Microwave Wax Kit for Face and Body, as extremely good.  Three weeks later and the hair is just now beginning to grow back, and it looks like it is growing back much thinner than it was before.  Here are some things you should keep in mind when deciding if you should purchase the product:

Overall, this product is worth the money.  The cloth strips are nice and thick, perfect for grabbing all the hair. Obviously, the wax can get a bit messy but it had a pleasant smell and great consistency.

Ladies, free yourselves from those shackles.

~Nicole J.

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